My dear readers,

This week marks 7 years of blogging & shooting as Lydia Jane Photography as well as (almost!) 2,000 followers on Facebook! I can't believe it! It's gone by so quickly and yet looking back I can't even believe how far I've come. I'm going to be blogging a year of Lydia Jane Photography's history every day this week, ending with a GIVEAWAY on Friday. Wooo!

It's always fun to reminisce about the past, but one of my primary reasons for doing this is to show how messy, terrifying, and ultimately satisfying starting your own business can be. I knew squat when I started this thing. Seriously. I was 18 and a senior in high school with a really bad style sense of style and a pretty crappy camera to boot. I still have a long way to go (cough, this website layout, cough) but I'm maturing from my mistakes and trying to stay foolish enough to take plenty of risks.

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. Stay hungry. Stay foolish." Steve Jobs

So whether you're a devoted reader, an aspiring photographer, a fellow artist in a creative slump, a dreamer working three jobs to make a living doing what you love, or just a curious bystander: I hope what I have to say over the next few days is encouraging. Because there's no way I can spin this story to make it look like I had a clue in hell what I was doing when I started all of this!

Hope to see you again tomorrow,

xo Lydia