Here is it! England wedding #2. Oh boy, I'm going to have to be careful how I write this one or I will end up missing them more than I already do. The people I met during my trip overseas really did make my trip. They were so lovely, so hospitable, and so easy to photograph.

As for Ruth and Reuben, well they were already dear to me before I arrived. Ruth and Reuben and I had Skype-d and emailed for an entire year and I could NOT wait to finally see them face to face. Having already photographed one wedding I felt a little more at ease with the American/British wedding differences (surprisingly, there are very few). I had also being staying with the bride and her roommates for the whole week leading up to the wedding. Let me tell you, it was a huge plus to be able to wake up, walk downstairs, and start photographing in my own house! The bridal party met at Ruth's apartment to have a delicious breakfast and get dressed and ready. So, yes, lets start here...

Ruth's mom was one of the sweetest ladies I've ever met. And how awesome is her hat? I loved it!

One of my favorite shots.

Ah! Meet Reuben.

Kristen photographed the boys while I spent the morning with the girls. I loove the shots she got of them. Thanks, bestie. :)

Reuben is hilarious. And yet ridiculously generous and kind. I've only spent 21 years on this world, but even I know that is a rare combination. I loved watching Reuben care for Ruth. They definitely have that "Wow, I want that when I'm married" factor. It was seriously lovely to watch.

One of my favorite bridesmaids shots ever. Bridal party photos at Tower Bridge? Seriously? Aasldkjfsdalfkj.

Ruth gets a gold medal for being the first bride every to stop the photos and ask for a photo with me. (Side note: Darn it, I'm not succeeding at not missing her!) Ruth, you have no idea how much that meant. You are such a sweet friend and I'm so honored I got to photograph your wedding!

Meanwhile, Kristen took the boys to the Gerkin for their photos. Here's the Gerkin.

And here are the boys.

The church was spitting distance from the Gerkin. Here's the outside.

And here's the inside. I know, right? Amazing.

After the ceremony we headed to Leadenhall Market (where Diagon Alley was filmed in Harry Potter!).

Haha I laugh every time I look at this next photo. I was just starting to give Reuben and Ruth new instructions when all of a sudden Ruth's mouth dropped wide open and she gasped.

She has just spotted this lovely piano by the side of the road. It was a part of the series throughout the city of London. Isn't that a great idea? I loved it. And so did Ruth as a talented pianist herself. More on that later.

Two more lovely shots by Miss Kristen.

Ok, ready? This next location was a portion of the old London wall from 200 A.D. There are just no words....

So so beautiful.

Reception time! The reception was held at Plaisterer's Hall. Aka the most outstanding reception venue I've ever photographed at. But, you be the judge.

Cute :)

Every table was designed to look like London's street signs.

Yeah, I dare you to attend a lovelier reception that this. And let me tell you, the food was incredible too.

Back to the piano! After dessert Ruth played a few lovely pieces on the piano while a friend of hers sang opera. It was incredibly beautiful and all because Ruth had this dream all her life to play piano in a white wedding dress at her wedding. I love checking off life goals. :)

Ruth and Reuben also hired an incredible Caleigh band with a caller that lead dozens of organized dances. Kristen and I definitely got in on the fun. It was a highlight of the trip for sure.

And with that they were off!

Kristen thanks for being the best bestie ever and flying all the way from home to help me photograph this wedding. I loved exploring England with you. I love you!

Reuben, Ruth, and all the friends and family of both: Thank you for making me a part of your life for two weeks. Thank you for letting me sleep in your beds, feeding me curry, introducing me to London, feeding me curry again (haha!), singing me the National Anthem on July 4th, picking me up and driving me to and fro, and for loving me as a sister in Christ. I will never forget you all! Visit Maryland! Love, Lydia.

England (part 2)

Hello again from the lovely London. Today Kristen and I are chilling and looking forward to the great World Cup finale tonight! Here are a couple photos from what the last few days have looked like. The first full day that Kristen was here I took her to see Trafalgar Sqaure, St. James's Park, Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Piccadilly Circus etc. We had to get a cheesy telephone booth photo too....
Here's Piccadilly Circus
Here's Westminster Abbey

Aaand here's Spain vs. Germany. Haha

The next day we headed south to Brighton.
It was so beautiful there. I loved how blue/green the water was. Definitely beats the Maryland beaches :P

Aaaand on Friday we did something I've wanted to do for a while. Visit Abbey Road :) Abbey Road by the Beatles is one of my very favorite albums of all time and it was just eerie actually walking across that pedestrian cross walk.

And, yes, I did write on the wall. Haha.

Aaaand I'll leave you with this one. I'd love your best guesses as to what the heck is going on...and why my best friend is lying on the ground. Hahah.