Altrogge Family

A few weekends ago I photographed the awesome Altrogge family. You may recognize the name from the wedding I did last summer of David and Sarah. Stephen Altrogge is David's brother and somehow he snagged the sweetest and most beautiful Jen and together they have the pretty much the most well behaved kid on earth.

Anyways, it was a real joy photographing these three. :D I'm pretty sure I was laughing or aww-ing the whole time. Plus, autumn makes every photo twenty times better and our location was just stunning!

Oh gosh, so cute.

Lovely family shoot

I love my clients. I really do.
I present to you: Debbie. Debbie first emailed me on June 8 asking if I could do a photo shoot with her family. Little did either of us know it would be 111 days before we would actually meet! Everything and I mean EVERYTHING that could stand in the way of us scheduling this photo shoot happened. Work, the musical, sickness, and then rain...rain...and rain. I have never had a tougher time scheduling anything in my life! Haha. But boy, was she gracious. Over our 50 gmail conversations Debbie was optimistic and patient with all the obsticals thrown our way. It was a joy to FINALLY photograph her and her family.

Jonathan...this little munchkin made my heart smile. He was so chill the entire shoot.

And their little girl was so curious and downright adorable.

Favorite moment of the shoot = this little tumble by Jonathan. Hahah I love the look on his face on the right. He didn't cry or whine, he just glared at me like I was the cause of this mess. Sorry, buddy! ;)