Now I can't wait to see you agaaain...

So, I live in Gaithersburg, MD like 40 min away from the capitol of the United States right? And how often do I go to D.C? Umm not enough. I really do love D.C and seeing that I'm spring break it's the perfect time to do some adventure seeking and photoshoot-ing. So yesterday Kristen and I took dearest Courtney out for a belated birthday gift to Georgetown! I love it when Kristen drives because we always get lost, but end up making an even better memory while we're at it.

"7 mi to Mt. Vernon? Daingersfield Island? Pshhyea, lets go!"
"But why are they shiny? Ahhh you have 80's leggings!!!"
"I feel bad for old men walking. They're so alone!"
"Do those runners have like...a life?"
"Oh my, big dog." - "It's a German Sheperd." -"K, thanks."
"Why do I feel like I'm in a closet? Hellloooo. See?!?"

Happy Birthday, Courts! I love you, Turtle-Grandma-Powerpoint!!!

(credit - kristen)

(credit - courts)

(credit - kristen)

oh and...
Don't believe me? Just IMDB him. I didn't notice him until I showed my photos to my brother and he was like "Um, Lydia, that's Ken Burns the famous documentary maker." It was a completely blind shot from my hip trying to show Kristen how much the guy on the right looked like older Andy Bernard from the Office (just a little bit!) and so I didn't even think to look to the left! Crazy!

Godspell. (set four)

Last weekend part of the Godspell cast took a trip to Goodwill and Lakeforest Mall in search of costumes for the play (that opens in 5 weeks!!). The church let us use one of the buses and and the lovely Christy Hickman lead the adventure.

( above photo credit: stephen bosdosh)

"Um guys, where's the men's section?"
"That is the men's section, silly"

The boys were very unimpressed. In fact, none of us could find anything applicable for a play. (Yes, I just used the word applicable.) Brittany did find a classy white oxford that belonged to a giant though. Like really, the sleeve went about 2 more feet to the right of this picture.

Stephen couldn't find anything "classy" enough for his costume so he went across the room and posed for this inspirational shot. Mmm. I should make a poster out of it and give it to a doctor's office? No?

And thus we concluded our time at Goodwill and went to the mall where we were the girls actually found some pretty good stuff at Forever 21. I can't wait for you guys to see this show. I hope you enjoy it as much as we have.